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Psychology researchers have been constructing, validating, and publicizing dictionaries (lists of words associated with a given construct) for decades. But these dictionaries are designed for word counting—How do we apply them to a embedding-based analysis? Garten et al. (2018) propose a simple solution: Get word embeddings for each word in the dictionary, and average them together to create a single Distributed Dictionary Representation (DDR). The dictionary construct can then be measured by comparing text embeddings to the DDR.

DDR is ideal for studies of abstract constructs like emotions, that refer to the general gist of a text rather than particular words. The rich representation of word embeddings allows DDR to capture even the subtlest associations between words and constructs, and to precisely reflect the extent to which each word is associated with each construct. It can do this even for texts that do not contain any dictionary words. Because embeddings are continuous and already calibrated to the probabilities of word use in language, DDR also avoids the difficult statistical problems that arise due to the strange distributions of word counts (see DS4Psych, Chapter 16).

Load Word Embedding Model

glove_twitter_25d <- load_embeddings("glove.twitter.27B.25d")

Embed Texts of Interest

We have three example texts, which we can imagine were written by a participant diagnosed with depression, one diagnosed with anxiety, and one control. We will analyze to what extent these texts reflect high vs low anxiety.

psych_df <- tribble(
    ~id,           ~text,
    "control",     "yesterday I took my dog for a walk",
    "depression",  "I slept all day and cried in the evening",
    "anxiety",     "I just kept thinking of all the things I needed to do"

psych_embeddings_df <- psych_df |> 
    embed_docs("text", glove_twitter_25d, id_col = "id", .keep_all = TRUE)
#> Warning in predict.embeddings(model, feats, .keep_missing = TRUE): 1 items in
#> `newdata` are not present in the embeddings object.

#> # A tibble: 3 × 27
#>   id        text    dim_1 dim_2 dim_3   dim_4  dim_5   dim_6 dim_7  dim_8  dim_9
#>   <chr>     <chr>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
#> 1 control   yest… -0.597  0.381 0.564  0.0372 -0.198 -0.143   1.11 -0.121 -0.290
#> 2 depressi… I sl… -0.547  0.195 0.472 -0.201  -0.372 -0.184   1.32 -0.270 -0.409
#> 3 anxiety   I ju… -0.0358 0.482 0.319 -0.105  -0.300 -0.0249  1.32 -0.471 -0.246
#> # ℹ 16 more variables: dim_10 <dbl>, dim_11 <dbl>, dim_12 <dbl>, dim_13 <dbl>,
#> #   dim_14 <dbl>, dim_15 <dbl>, dim_16 <dbl>, dim_17 <dbl>, dim_18 <dbl>,
#> #   dim_19 <dbl>, dim_20 <dbl>, dim_21 <dbl>, dim_22 <dbl>, dim_23 <dbl>,
#> #   dim_24 <dbl>, dim_25 <dbl>

Load and Embed Dictionaries

Many quality dictionaries are available from quanteda.sentiment and other sources (see DS4Psych, Chapter 14). For the sake of this example, we will use made-up dictionaries.

# positive and negative construct dictionaries
high_anx_dict <- c("anxious", "overwhelmed", "exhausted", "nervous", "stressed")
low_anx_dict <- c("relaxed", "calm", "mellow")

# embed dictionaries
high_anx_dict_embeddings <- predict(glove_twitter_25d, high_anx_dict)
#> Warning in predict.embeddings(glove_twitter_25d, high_anx_dict): 3 items in
#> `newdata` are not present in the embeddings object.
low_anx_dict_embeddings <- predict(glove_twitter_25d, low_anx_dict)
#> Warning in predict.embeddings(glove_twitter_25d, low_anx_dict): 1 items in
#> `newdata` are not present in the embeddings object.

# average embeddings to create DDR
high_anx_DDR <- average_embedding(high_anx_dict_embeddings)
low_anx_DDR <- average_embedding(low_anx_dict_embeddings)

Calculate Similarity Metrics

To complete the process, we compare the embeddings of each of our texts to that of the DDR. This could be done by computing cosine similarity between each text and high_anx_DDR. But since we want to know the extent to which these texts reflect high anxiety as opposed to low anxiety, we will use an anchored vector. This approach is also known as semantic projection (Grand et al., 2022).

anxiety_scores_df <- psych_embeddings_df |> 
    list(anxiety = list(pos = high_anx_DDR, neg = low_anx_DDR)),
    method = "anchored"
#> # A tibble: 3 × 3
#>   id         text                                                  anxiety
#>   <chr>      <chr>                                                   <dbl>
#> 1 control    yesterday I took my dog for a walk                      0.127
#> 2 depression I slept all day and cried in the evening                0.162
#> 3 anxiety    I just kept thinking of all the things I needed to do   0.272

It seems that both the depression and anxiety texts reflect quite a bit more anxiety than the control.

Weighted DDR

Garten et al. (2018) found that DDR works best with smaller dictionaries of only the words most directly connected to the construct being measured (around 30 words worked best in their experiments). Word embeddings work by overvaluing informative words (see DS4Psych, Chapter 18)—a desirable property for raw texts, in which uninformative words tend to be very frequent. But dictionaries only include one of each word. In longer dictionaries with more infrequent, tangentially connected words, averaging word embeddings will therefore overvalue those infrequent words and skew the DDR. This can be fixed with Garten et al.’s method of picking out only the most informative words. Alternatively, it could be fixed by measuring the frequency of each dictionary word in a corpus and weighting the average embedding by that frequency. This method is consistent with the way most dictionaries are validated, by counting the frequencies of dictionary words in text (see DS4Psych, Chapter 14).

In the absence of reliable frequency data from our own corpus (or from the corpus on which the dictionaries were validated), we can set w = "trillion_word" to weight words by their frequencies in the Google Trillion Word corpus.

# weighted averages
high_anx_DDR_w <- average_embedding(high_anx_dict_embeddings, w = "trillion_word")
low_anx_DDR_w <- average_embedding(low_anx_dict_embeddings, w = "trillion_word")

# calculate similarity scores
anxiety_scores_df <- psych_embeddings_df |> 
    list(anxiety = list(pos = high_anx_DDR_w, neg = low_anx_DDR_w)),
    method = "anchored"
#> # A tibble: 3 × 3
#>   id         text                                                  anxiety
#>   <chr>      <chr>                                                   <dbl>
#> 1 control    yesterday I took my dog for a walk                     0.0110
#> 2 depression I slept all day and cried in the evening               0.0909
#> 3 anxiety    I just kept thinking of all the things I needed to do  0.123


Garten, J., Hoover, J., Johnson, K. M., Boghrati, R., Iskiwitch, C., & Dehghani, M. (2018). Dictionaries and distributions: Combining expert knowledge and large scale textual data content analysis: Distributed dictionary representation. Behavior Research Methods, 50, 344–361.

Grand, G., Blank, I. A., Pereira, F., & Fedorenko, E. (2022). Semantic projection recovers rich human knowledge of multiple object features from word embeddings. Nature Human Behaviour, 6(7), 975–987.